God I didn't realize how creepy this picture was until now. I apologize for that.
Oh and that's the beanie Darren got me for Christmas, amongst other things. I showed my appreciation for it by taking it with me to Mammoth and breaking the elastic in it. But now it's comfier, so I guess God or Jehovah or whoever is up there DOES have a plan.
Wait, where was I? Right so I got a Mac. Story goes:
Sister gets mac. Sister gets job where they give the exact same Mac to their employees. Sister keeps Mac for a while. One day a few years later personal Mac won't charge or work anymore. Apple store tells sister battery and hard-drive are defective, so Mac gets new battery and gets an upgraded 80 GB hard-drive because Apple doesn't make 60 GB hard-drives for that model anymore. Sister realizes little brother is going off to college soon. Sister asks brother if he'd like it for college, and brother says hell yes.
So yeah, I'll probably spend way too much time on it, posting pictures and videos of stupid shit just because I can.
eh, i still think you look best in my hat, but maybe i'm just biased.
you already told me the mac story last night, but i read through that whole thing anyway, though i don't know why.
that picture reminds me of paul marshall. if you're in dalley hahaha
cute. i'll just stand here and laugh. But hey! it's another reason for yeuting to love you. or at least not hate you. she doesn't do too good with the loving, unless you're a brand new pair of spankin lovely shoes.
other than that, i hope your mac brings you great happiness. i hope you are a bad computer user.
i miss having english with you, alex:(
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