Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I was feeling very sleepy today. And I've noticed that when I'm sleepy I'm never at all in my right mind. That gets me thinking: if our psychological health is so strongly dependent on our physiological well-being, how do we ever know if we're in our right minds? If our mentality can be so swiftly tossed from side to side, flipped on its head by something as basic as a few hours of sleep, what does that say about the solidarity of our conscious minds or "soul" (or whatever one would call it)? As teenagers, we like to blame our emotional outbursts on hormone imbalances and the like, but at one point you do feel and think a certain way. Who's to say this isn't the real you speaking? Are you someone else for a brief moment?

and to top this off I have picked out a few more six word stories!

Popped. Couldn’t stop. Chronic heart disease.
Only liar. Truthful world. Infinite power.

1 comment:

M.B. said...

I honestly never know when I'm in my right mind.

I always, to a cerain degree, feel like someone else.

Unless I'm afraid. Then for some reason, it's all me.