Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I want to meet the 17% who got this problem wrong -_-. 17% of 39,609 people is 6733.53 people. So 6733 people and 1 midget got this problem wrong. -Sigh-...


M.B. said...

i wouldn't want to meet the people who got that wrong. i would want to run screaming in the other direction, in case their idiocy is contagious.


Veronica said...

maybe theyre just not math people..

M.B. said...

but that's not really math. that's more analogy and pattern recognition. which we all were supposed to master by third grade at the LATEST.

i dunno. maybe the 17% must've made a mis-click.

but that's still not an excuse. that's just embarrassing.

Shelley said...

this made me laugh, which hurt my mouth.



Diana Chen said...

i cant believe you still do these -_-