Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year's

When you say "Happy New Year's!", what are you being happy about? I had always uttered the phrase after the countdown, but I hadn't really thought about it until I was typing out the title to this blog.

'09 hasn't happened yet, so there's nothing to really be happy about that year, so the explanation that comes to mind first is that we say it because we're excited for the coming year.

But then I thought deeper into it, and as excited as I am for the rest of this year (oh and despite the lack of ^^'s and "whoooo!"s I am quite excited), when I wish a Happy New Year's I think I'm more saluting a good year goodbye. What do you think, friends?

As I clashed plastic cups full of Martinelli's with some chingoos when the clock struck 12, all I could think about was the good shit that happened up that point, not what could happen after. And that's all I have to say about the new year. I won't go on and on about how kickass the year will be, because you already know that.

BTW, I always found idioms with shrouded pasts to be interesting, like the whole story behind "rule of thumb" and such. In the future when analog clocks are a thing of the past, do you think our kids will have to ask us, "what does 'the clock struck' mean, daddy?" What'll happen when there are no more bridges made out of wood and rope? I'll say "don't burn your bridges," and my kids will look at me like I'm an idiot. Because in the future, nothing lights on fire except for books. Oh and double btw, I'm going to raise my kids so that they're so badass that rather than call me daddy, they'll refer to me as either "sir" or "master sergeant daddy".

And if people are wondering why I made the sudden relationship status change on facebook, it's because Maria and I have the green light from each of our respective parents. whoo!

this song makes me deliriously happy


Frances Castillo said...

i love the cd. :) yes you did ask me before. i just hadn't listened to it yet at the time.

i like the french song. and for now i'd have to say my favorite song is

elbow-grounds for divorce.

!!!!! make me another one. hahah i know i'm being demanding you don't have to.

i miss you, friend!!

Shelley said...

with some chingoos? LOL! i miss you!

M.B. said...

Hey, shota!

Well, after Frances' and Shelley's comments, I feel like I should be missing you too.

And so I am. We should fix that.

Veronica said...

lol at maria's comment

this blog made me happy! in some odd way. and i kinda do agree
bring some chocopretzels tomorrow to celebrate the new year in english!